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Self-massage and pressotherapy


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Importance of muscle recovery

Massage gun

A massage gun is a portable, handheld device that in some cases looks like a power drill. A massage gun is normally cordless. The massage gun has a battery system that can be easily recharged and is delivered with replaceable parts. The massage gun serves to reduce pain by releasing lymphatic fluid from the muscle tissues and into the circulatory system. It can help relax stretched tissue, divergent irritated tissue and swelling, and decrease muscle irritation and pressure.

Muscle recovery

Muscle recovery improves blood flow which helps with the release of polluted byproducts of muscle breakdown that increases as a result of exercise. Then new blood can arrive to supply nutrients that help repair and restore muscles. A muscle recovery kit offers many benefits. The benefits of this process are how muscle recovery can enhance your workouts.

Importance of muscle recovery

Training can create slight tears in muscle tissue. Muscle recovery compartments called fibroblasts repair it.
Muscle recovery promotes muscle improvement and growth, achieving stronger muscles.
Muscle recovery is essential to avoid exercise induced fatigue.

Leg compressor

The leg compressor is the device used to help control blood clots in the delicate veins of the legs. The devices use cuffs around the legs that fill with air and put pressure on the legs. This improves blood flow through the leg veins and allows control of blood clotting. You can buy the leg compressor from Pure2Improve, KT Tape, Air Relax, Fitness Tech
